Penny Johnston's PledgePage

Welcome to Penny Johnston's PledgePage.

I, so far, have walked in two Avon Breast Cancer 3-Days to raise money for breast cancer awareness and early detection.

I also participated in the Walt Disney World Marathon as part of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Team in Training.

My mission is to continue to raise funds for breast cancer research and for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society by walking in as many marathons as it takes until a cure for breast cancer and blood related cancers found. (Or until my body wears out!)

For more information on these events, go to the "Diary" section of this page.

This picture is of my friend and co-worker, Todd Graham, Kevin Weindorff, one of my LLS Patient Heroes, and myself. Todd also participated in the Disney Marathon for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, except he RAN...I DON'T RUN!